Wednesday, March 30, 2011

cuti-cuti malaysia

alhamdulillah setelah hampir beberapa minggu dan bulan lamanya,terupdate jugak blog aku ni.ok.untuk kali ni, saja nak share percutian saya dan member ddz yang lain di kedah jelapang padi(papepon,beras ttap mahal kt kedah,harap maklum.).Kalau nak cerita lebih lanjut 3 hari 3 malam x habes,jadi saya translatekan kisah kami melalui gambar je lah,ok..
(penat mencari idea+ilham+dll,untuk di post masuk blog,alhamdulillah,neuron aku masih lincah berhubung antara satu sama lain..hee~)ok.

pada suatu hari..(hari 1)


pasembur...(boleh dapati belah utara shj..)

time ni kami manfaatkan masakerja bagi kakitangan awam dan masa
persekolahanbudak2,untuk memonopoli titi hayun,jadi kekeriuhan kami tidak
lah diganggu oleh sesiapa...^^tp apakan daya,kunfayakun,hujan renyai lepas tu..
kami yang lupa daratan terus naik ke darat,elak musibah

outing,alosta vs sp..

seterusnya kami pon round2 sekitar ruat,untuk pertama kalinya kami buat jalan sendiri kat kebun orang,haha..maaf empunya kebun..bekas2 tapak kasut tu import dari sabah tau,(kecuali saya punye tapak la..)

dan akhir sekali,destinasi kami adalah pantai murni..(indah nama dari rupa)
kat sini lah kamera abah beraksi buat kali terakhir dgn kami,kemre2,jgn rindu kami tau~haha

p/s=ok,ni je kot untuk post kali ni
doakn diri ini supaya sentiasa mengupdate...

Saturday, January 1, 2011


alhamdulillah masih lagi diberikan kekuatan dan peluang untuk continue balik blog y dah lame dibiarkan berhabuk+bersawang+debu 5 inci+an other like this...pada asalnya blog ni hanya sekadar assingment B.I time sem 1 dlu,sbb tu kebanyakkn post sebelum ni dalam b.i,haha..lagipon kebanyakkn post tu copy dri orng,jd untk kali ni i'm try to create my own,tp dalam b.m la,rojak2 skit,hee..

actually,i dont have point to shared here,so,ni je lah post untuk kali ni(janji update~)
sebelum terlupa,thanks to my friend bcoz always give me impetus for continue my blog,pada aisyh nordin,y asyik kate blog aku bersawang je..
TARRA!!!...bersih da kn..?hee~

p/s=semoga 2010 y berlalu menjadi iktibar@semangat@satu langkah untuk terus maju pada 2011 kali ni..apa y diazam kali ni harap dapat dilaksanakn,i.a..=) all the best~

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dunia Menjadi Saksi Atas Kekejaman Dan Sikap Keganasan Israel Di Perairan Antarabangsa Laut Mediterranean
KUALA LUMPUR, Mei 31 – PERBUATAN jijik dan amat memalukan yang dilakukan oleh rejim Israel pada hari ini dengan mengarahkan komando tentera lautnya menyerang kapal misi kemanusiaan Lifeline for Gaza (LL4G) “MV Mavi Marmara” sehingga mengakibatkan 20 orang terbunuh dan puluhan lagi penumpang yang tidak bersenjata cedera terkena tembakan telah menzahirkan betapa kejam dan ganasnya rejim Israel yang terkutuk itu.
HALUAN Malaysia selaku ketua NGO delegasi Malaysia ke LL4G dengan ini mengajak seluruh lapisan masyarakat, tidak kira kaum ataupun agama, agar segera mengutuk dan mencela Israel atas sikap kurang ajar mereka ke atas pelayaran damai (Freedom Flotilla) yang membawa barangan keperluan hidup harian kepada penduduk Gaza yang semakin terhimpit dek tekanan ketenteraan, ekonomi dan kemanusiaan oleh rejim Israel di bawah pemimpin-pemimpin mereka yang mendapat dokongan kuat Amerika Syarikat dan Britain.
“Kami ingin menegaskan bahawa penindasan Israel ke atas rakyat Palestin dan kini pembunuhan terbuka di atas kapal penumpang “MV Mavi Marmara” dengan penggunaan peluru hidup ke atas penumpang yang sedang tidur telah menzahirkan sikap ganas Israel yang jelas menyalahi undang-undang antarabangsa dari segi hak asasi kemanusiaan mahupun undang-undang maritim antarabangsa yang menegaskan bahawa tiada suatu negara pun berhak bertindak sewenang-wenangnya di perairan antarabangsa. Jelaslah Israel telah bertindak ala samseng dunia. Kini satu dunia mengutuk Israel dan konco-konconya,” tegas Prof. Madya Dr. Abdullah Sudin Abdul Rahman, Presiden HALUAN Malaysia.
“Kami ingin menegaskan bahawa seluruh penduduk dunia yang diwakili oleh para sukarelawan yang terdiri daripada pelbagai bangsa dan agama dari lebih 50 buah negara yang berada di atas kapal tersebut itu, mengutuk sikap Apartheid yang ditunjukkan Israel itu sebagai satu tindakan yang amat kejam. Israel telah sedar bahawa modus operandinya selama ini untuk decimate ataupun meluluhkan bilangan rakyat sah warga Palestin daripada tanah tumpah darah mereka sendiri sebagai suatu tindakan bangsa yang bangkrap adab, akhlak, idea dan tamadun. Israel sudah tahu bahawa sudah ada gerakan antarabangsa yang kini sedang menjadi arus penentangan ke atas polisi luarnya yang amat menindas dan amat tidak berperikemanusiaan. Dakwaan mereka sebagai negara “underdog” yang dikepungi negara-negara Islam sudahpun lapuk dan kini Israel mahu mempamerkan yang ia mampu berlagak samseng di mata dunia untuk melangsungkan agenda kejinya itu. Ketahuilah, bahawa warga dunia tidak akan berpeluk tubuh terhadap sikap Apartheid Israel itu. Dunia TIDAK akan memaafkan Israel,” ujarnya lagi.
Pada bulan April yang lepas, Dr Abdullah Sudin Abd Rahman menegaskan di dalam suatu sidang akhbar bahawa penglibatan HALUAN di dalam misi LL4G ini adalah untuk “expose to the public the crimes which is being inflicted by the Zionist Israel regime and its allies upon the citizens of Gaza and the Palestinian Nation as a whole”. Kini, buktinya telahpun jelas lagi nyata.
Rejim Israel mengisytiharkan bahawa permusuhan mereka bukan hanya kepada orang Islam tetapi semua bangsa dan agama yang menentang agenda zionisnya. Sebab itulah tanpa rasa malu mereka telah memusnahkan masjid, gereja, hospital, sekolah, universiti, kompleks pentadbiran, stesen janakuasa elektrik, tadahan air minuman dan semua yang diperlukan untuk kelangsungan hidup.
Rejim ganas ini PERLU disekat oleh kita semua, rakyat Malaysia.
HALUAN dengan ini menegaskan bahawa kami melalui gabungan semua NGO dan badan-badan lain yang menentang sikap degil dan kejam Zionis Israel akan “Bersatu Untuk Palestin”. Kami menyeru semua lapisan rakyat Malaysia agar menulis surat atau emel kepada Duta Besar Amerika, Britain dan Mesir di Malaysia untuk menyatakan solidariti kita menentang sikap mereka yang menyokong bangsa dan negara Israel yang terang-terangan amat keji itu.
Akhirnya kami memohon dan merayu kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia supaya berdoa dan bermunajat kepada Allah agar menyelamatkan semua sukarelawan yang menyertai LL4G dan menghancurkan Israel laknatullah.

Friday, November 6, 2009


...though it is hard for you. But it may be that a thing is hard upon you though it is (really) good for you, and it may be that you love a thing while it is bad for you. Allâh knows (all things) while you do not know. (Al Baqarah,2 : 216)

Say, `Did you ever consider if Allah's punishment were to overtake you unaware or (after) manifest (warnings), would any be destroyed except the wrongdoing people?' (Al An a'm,6 :47)

Every living being is destined to taste death. And you shall, verily, be paid in full your rewards on the Day of Resurrection. Then whoso is removed away from the Fire and is admitted to Paradise, he has, of course, successfully attained his goal. And the life of this world is nothing but a vain provision (causing negligence). (Ali Imran,3 :185)

You shall, certainly, be tried in your substance and lives and you shall certainly hear from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who set up equals (to God) a good deal of hurtful abuse. But if you are patiently persevering and guard against evil, then this (attitude) is worth being followed with constancy and firm determination. (Ali Imran,3: 186)

It is He Who has created seven heavens, one upon another in conformity (with each other). You can see no flaw, no incongruity and no imperfection in the creation of the Most Gracious (God). Then look up once more (to heaven). Do you see any flaw? (Al Mulk ,67 :3)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Event at 10 october

After finish accompany Aisyah to solve her problem,we were going to my room at block B from the Musalla.when we arrive in front of my room,the condition around is so dark and gloomy.I think,all of my roomate were slept...yea,maybe there are tired with their own activities at the day but when i want to open the door,suddently,i felt felt something wrong here.why all of them were slept at the some times?before i am going to accompany Aisyah to finished her problem,i saw them is still exuberant(bersemangat) to study.whatever..

after i open the door,i command Aisyah to enter first because the condition around is so dark.i can't see anything but I saw some small red light on and off...haha,there's a light from kak daya's lap,i can guess what that will happen..hehehe..

klik!the lamp is switch on.the condition is become bright and suudently i heard the singing voices from my friend..happy birthday...happy birthday and happy birthday...

first, i think they just doing like that to make surprised but when i want to going to my bed,i saw something on the table at the centre of my room.there,i saw the chocolate cake,burger,junk food and fresh orange that ready to eat.oh no..! honestly,this is the first time i have an amazing surprised like that because after that when i want to celebrate my birthday,i must use my own money and the condition is so different now.i am so happy.

thanks my friend ...!!!

after that,i asked they all how that they can hide the cake and others because i can't smell that amazing surprised and they said "let it to be our secret...but it is so hard to do that because you never out from this room until Aisyah need you to acompany she going to the Musalla." =>

Friday, September 25, 2009

whAt's my pUrpOsE In lifE?

Consider a hammer. It's designed to hit nails. That's what it was created to do. Now imagine that the hammer never gets used: just sit in the toolbox. The hammer doesn't care.

But now, imagine the same hammer with a soul, a self-conciousness. Days by days go by him remaining in the box. He feels funny inside, but he's not sure exactly why. Something is missing, but he doesn't know what it is.

One day, someone pulls him out of the toolbox and uses him to break some branches for the fire place. The hammer is exhilarated. Being held, being weilded, hitting the branches - the hammer loves it. At the end of the day though, he is still unfulfilled. Hitting the branches was fun, but it wasn't enough. Something is still missing.

In the days that follow, he's used more often. He reshapes the hubcap, knocks a table leg back into the place. Still, he's left unfulfilled. So he longs for more action. He wants to be used as much as possible to knock things around, to break things, to blast things, to dent things. He figures that he just hasn't had enough of these events to satisfy him. More of the same, he believes, is the solution to his lack of unfulfilment.

Then, one fine day, someone uses him to hit a nail. Suddenly the light come in his hammer soul. He now understands what he was truly desinged for. He was meant to hit nails. All the other things he hit pale in comparison. Now he know what his hammer soul was searching for all long.

As human being, we are created by Allah for God-servant relationship. Being in that relationship is the only thing that will ultimately satisfy our souls. Until we come to know Allah, we've had many wonderful experiences, but we still haven't hit a nail. We've been used for some noble purposes, but not the one we were ultimately designed for, not the one through which we will find the most fulfilment.

A relationship with Him is the only thing that will quench our soul's longing. Before we come to know Him, our souls are 'hungry' and 'thirsty' . In life we try to 'eat' and 'drink' all kind of things to satisfy our hunger and thirst, yet they still remain.

We are just like the hammer. We don't realize what will end the emptiness, the lack of fulfilment in our lives. Usually, when we put our relationship with Allah aside or try to find fulfilment in something other than Him, we can never get enough of that thing, we keep 'eating' and 'drinking' more and more, erroneuosly thinking that 'more' is the answer to the problem, yet we are never ultimately satisfied.

Our greatest desire is to know Allah, to have relationship with Allah. Why? Because that's how we've been designed. So, have you hit your nail yet..? Treasure for it more!

who is poor??

Who Is Poor??

We need money to survive our life,right?

Sometimes we think we're poor because we don't have enough money, right?

I want to ask you,is it true that we can called people who doesn't have money as


Who is poor?

One day the Prophet asked his dear companions whether they knew who was


They answered that poor was one who had no dirham or dinar.

He said :

"In my Ummah,the poor is that man who would appear on the Day of the Judgment before ALLAH : he had offered prayer, he had pay zakat, he had observed fast, but he would have abused somebody, he would have falsely accused some one,he would have unauthorisedly taken some one else's property, he would have murdered some one, would have hit some body. All his virtues would be given to his victims. If his virtues are finished before his wicked deeds are finished, then the errors and sins of the victim would be given to him n he would be thrown into the Hell."


Such a man is really poor.His condition is like that trader who has good worth

1 thousand rupees
but he is a debtor for 2 thousand rupees.

How can such a man be called rich?

A religious man who offers certain prayers or performs certain forms of

worship,but even after
that performs certain evil deeds.Behaves rudely

with the people, treat poor and helpless people cruelly,

how then such a man will be called righteous?

The Prophet has explained by quoting an example.

He said that the best moral character melts
error like water and bad morals

spoil man's record as vinegar spoils honey.